Artisan Développeur

Qualité, amélioration continue, agilité.

Add IDE helper to PhpStom for Laravel

To ease your development experience you can use your IDE helpers, with PhpStorm and Symfony I use them a lot.

Today I do my first try with Laravel, and I have my habits with PhpStorm helpers.

I use Homstead, when I install a new package to my project, I do it from inside the VM.
From inside your project directory use:

vagrant ssh

You will be in your VM, you go to your project directory, for me it’s

cd /home/vagrant/code/laravel/

And you add this:

composer require --dev barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper

Almost there, add this to your app/providers/appServiceProvider.php (à partir de laravel 5.5)

public function register()
    if ($this->app->environment() !== 'production') {
    // ...
} => repository of the helper for complete doc

Last step after the installation is complete:

artisan ide-helper:generate

This command is to run from the Homestead VM, if you want PhpStorm can open a terminal within the VM for you (Tools -> Start an SSH session … -> select Vagrant -> enjoy).
But I prefer to have a separated terminal because I display it on my 2nd screen.

You have 2 more things to do:

  • add the Laravel plugin to PhpStorm
  • active the plugin for you project

Go to « File -> Settings » search for « plugins » and for « Laravel » for the second image.

Install it and restart PhpStorm, after that enable the plugin for this project

Done ! Happy coding ^^


Jetbrain complete help:

Old blogpost about the helper:

Update / re-flash your Raspberry pi 4 eeprom

Your pi 4 does not boot ?

Or you want to upgrade it to add a new feature ? (No new feature yet 19/07/2019) but some rumors about an update to low the temperature … If you have more information tell me 🙂

So, first, go to Recovery section of the download page and hit the « Download the bootloader » link (I do not add a direct link here, to avoid linking to an old release)

Next, follow the steps:

2 – extract to an empty fat32 formatted sd card (every old card will do the job)

3 – Plugin into your Raspberry Pi 4 and wait until the led flashes

If it’s not working, you can:

  • download again and extract again the files
  • format again the sd card
  • change the sd card
  • double check the power supply (use the official one, or some of the very good quality vendors, do not use cheap power supplies … You have to use a « dumb » cable because of the issue in the USB-C connector on the raspberry pi.

Pidgin for work and facebook messenger

I use pidgin for work to chat with my teammates, but I want to use it to talk sometimes with my wife without connecting to facebook, or facebook messenger nor activate the data/wifi on my phone.

I use to work with my phone offline, only in « phone mode ».

I use Ubuntu 19.04 at the time of this article.

First, I search all the pidgin related stuff with apt:

(sudo) apt-cache search pidgin

In the results I see some interesting things:

pidgin-guifications - Fenêtres surgissantes de messages pour Pidgin
pidgin-privacy-please - Greffon pour une confidentialité accrue dans Pidgin
pidgin-otr - Off-the-Record Messaging plugin for Pidgin
purple-discord - Discord messaging service plugin for libpurple

I install them, I will search for facebook later, discord is for testing, privacy-please and otr is for my paranoia and guifications is to be aware when a colleague of mine talk to me.

(sudo) apt install purple-discord pidgin-otr pidgin-privacy-please pidgin-guifications

Facebook messenger

For this one, we need libpurple-facebook, but ubuntu does not have any package for now.
So we just need to build it 🙂*NIX

(sudo) apt install libglib2.0-dev libjson-glib-dev libjson-glib-1.0-0 libjson-glib-1.0-common libpurple-dev libpurple0 zlib1g-dev gir1.2-json-1.0 libdbus-glib-1-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev-bin

Ok will go for « Compiling -> From A Release Tarball »

Go to
and choose the latest

# I prefer sudo -i and password than sudo every time
sudo -i
tar -xf purple-facebook-0.9.6.tar.gz
cd purple-facebook-0.9.6/
# install systemwide
make install

Restart pidgin after that, and go to the account creation:

Facebook is here !

Do not forget to activate/configure the plugins you have installed.