Add choices to a Symfony formType with an event listener
If you want to add (or remove) choices from a ChoiceType in your formType, this is how to do it with an event listener. The event you will subscribe depends on the data you have and your workflow. I had to modify a formType to allow the edition of an entity with a particular value on one field. The field is "mode". "myParticularMode" is a mode not available by default, I use it only under certain conditions, the entity is programmatically created, and the user is redirected to the edit form to finish to fill the data. I don't want to allow my users to use that mode om new I don't want to allow my users to use that mode on new entity, I need it only when I edit the entities defined with this "mode". The code take the event "POST_SET_DATA", this way I have my data, and I know the mode. If the "mode" is myParticularMode" I add it to the choices.
Add a choice to the choices:
$builder->addEventListener(FormEvents::POST_SET_DATA, function (FormEvent $event) {
// get the form from the event
$form = $event->getForm();
if ('myParticularMode' == $form->get('mode')->getData()) {
// get the field options
$options = $form->get('mode')->getConfig()->getOptions();
// add the mode to the choices array
$options['choices']['MY_PARTICULAR_MODE'] = 'myParticularMode_display_name';
$form->add('mode', ChoiceType::class, $options);
To replace all the choices and display only the one, don’t take the options, just override the choices array, and you can even disable it:
$builder->addEventListener(FormEvents::POST_SET_DATA, function (FormEvent $event) {
// get the form from the event
$form = $event->getForm();
if ('myParticularMode' == $form->get('mode')->getData()) {
// add the mode to the choices array
$options['choices']['MY_PARTICULAR_MODE'] = 'myParticularMode_display_name';
// disable the field
$options['disabled'] = true;
$form->add('mode', ChoiceType::class, $options);
Enjoy 🙂
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