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Update / re-flash your Raspberry pi 4 eeprom

Your pi 4 does not boot ?

Or you want to upgrade it to add a new feature ? (No new feature yet 19/07/2019) but some rumors about an update to low the temperature … If you have more information tell me 🙂

So, first, go to Recovery section of the download page and hit the « Download the bootloader » link (I do not add a direct link here, to avoid linking to an old release)

Next, follow the steps:

2 – extract to an empty fat32 formatted sd card (every old card will do the job)

3 – Plugin into your Raspberry Pi 4 and wait until the led flashes

If it’s not working, you can:

  • download again and extract again the files
  • format again the sd card
  • change the sd card
  • double check the power supply (use the official one, or some of the very good quality vendors, do not use cheap power supplies … You have to use a « dumb » cable because of the issue in the USB-C connector on the raspberry pi.

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