Vagrant snapshot, safety first
When you want to test something, in my case it’s the upgrade to php7.3, I encourage you do use the really simple snapshot function of Vagrant.
First, see the VMs of your system:
vagrant global-status
id name provider state directory
0313ed0 default virtualbox poweroff /var/www/phpStorm/
1407963 default virtualbox poweroff /var/www/phpStorm/xxx/xxxxx-com/trellis
3879b77 default virtualbox running /var/www/phpStorm/xxx-dev/xxxxxx-com/trellis
ac34ac8 default virtualbox poweroff /var/www/phpStorm/xxx-dev
b292e76 default virtualbox running /var/www/phpStorm/xxxxxxxx-com/trellis
3fb0c96 default virtualbox running /var/www/phpStorm/vagrant/xxxx
6e6b27f default virtualbox running /var/www/phpStorm/xxxxxx
2b7849a poc-xxxxxx virtualbox running /var/www/phpStorm/laravel/projects/poc_xxx
a8f3ca7 consume-channel-xxxxxx-api virtualbox running /var/www/phpStorm/laravel/consume_channel_xxxxxx_api
Some of these VMs are old, and not needed anymore, before I continue, I prefer to do some clean up first.
vagrant global-status --prune
id name provider state directory
6e6b27f default virtualbox running /var/www/phpStorm/xxxxx
a8f3ca7 consume-channel-xxxxx-api virtualbox running /var/www/phpStorm/laravel/consume_channel_xxxxx_api
A lot better ! Next the snapshot:
vagrant snapshot save 6e6b27f 2019_08_20_save_xxx_before_php_7_3
==> default: Snapshotting the machine as '2019_08_20_save_xxx_before_php_7_3'...
==> default: Snapshot saved! You can restore the snapshot at any time by
==> default: using `vagrant snapshot restore`. You can delete it using
==> default: `vagrant snapshot delete`.
Really easy ! Last paranoid check before the upgrade:
vagrant snapshot list
Now I can break it all and restore my snapshot !
happy experiments