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install php 7.1 on debian 9.4

Hi !

Here the solution that has work for me, I found others tutorials but I had to execute a few more step to complete the setup as I want.

First, the repository, thanks to, the readme file is here

Based on that:

[pastacode lang= »bash » manual= »’’%0A%0Aapt-get%20update%0A%0A%0A%0A » message= » » highlight= » » provider= »manual »/]

As a precision, the link for the lsb_release command man page, it is useful to get the name of your current distribution, try it on a terminal:

[pastacode lang= »bash » manual= »lsb_release%20-sc » message= » » highlight= » » provider= »manual »/]

In my case, I only want one PHP version, I don’t want to keep the 7.0, I just want have the 7.1 as default, to do that you need to install the new, remove the old without forgetting the apache module.

[pastacode lang= »bash » manual= »apt-get%20install%20php7.1%0Aapt-get%20remove%20php7.0%0A%0Aapt-get%20remove%20libapache2-mod-php7.0%0A » message= » » highlight= » » provider= »manual »/]

The php7.1 module is already installed as dependency of php7.1.

And if you need it you can do

[pastacode lang= »bash » manual= »dpkg-reconfigure%20libapache2-mod-php7.1″ message= » » highlight= » » provider= »manual »/]

Now you have php7.1 running 😉

You may want to clean more for production, but I do not cover this here, I do this on my dev env


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