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How to build latest heimdall – samsung galaxy grand prime SM-G530FM – Failed to download PIT file

I have a Samsung galaxy grand prime (aka SM-G530FZ), and I want to install a new custom rom.

I want to use Heimdall to install a custom recovery, as usual I search on xda-developers (best mobile resources) and find several thread about Galaxy grand prime.

But when I want to install the recovery with the simple command :

[pastacode lang= »bash » manual= »heimdall%20flash%20–RECOVERY%20recovery.img » message= » » highlight= » » provider= »manual »/]

I had the following error:

[pastacode lang= »bash » manual= »ERROR%3A%20Failed%20to%20send%20request%20to%20end%20PIT%20file%20transfer!%0AERROR%3A%20Failed%20to%20download%20PIT%20file!%0A » message= » » highlight= » » provider= »manual »/]

Solution is to build heimdall from sources.

  1. Clone github repository
  2. Build
  3. Make
  4. profit

1. Clone heimdall repository

First create a directory for heimdall:

[pastacode lang= »bash » manual= »mkdir%20heimdallFromSources » message= » » highlight= » » provider= »manual »/]

And clone:

[pastacode lang= »bash » manual= » » message= » » highlight= » » provider= »manual »/]

2. Build it

From the linux/README

Appendix B – Installing Heimdall Suite from Source:

1. First make sure you have installed build-essential, cmake, zlib1g-dev,
qt5-default, libusb-1.0-0-dev and OpenGL (e.g libgl1-mesa-glx and

NOTE: Package names may not be absolutely identical to those above.

2. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory you downloaded,
or extracted, Heimdall to.

3. Enter the following commands to compile Heimdall Suite:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

Make sure you have all requirements from the 1 point and follow point 3

[pastacode lang= »bash » manual= »cd%20Heimdall%0Amkdir%20build%0Acd%20Build%0Acmake%20-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE%3DRelease%20..%20(note%20the%20..%20are%20important)%0Amake%0A » message= » » highlight= » » provider= »manual »/]

After that

[pastacode lang= »bash » manual= »cd%20libpit%0Amake%0Acd%20..%0Acd%20heimdall%0Amake%0A » message= » » highlight= » » provider= »manual »/]

If all run without issue, you will have a bin folder, with heimdall in it.


[pastacode lang= »bash » manual= ».%2Fheimdall%20flash%20–RECOVERY%20path%2Fto%2Fyou%2Frecovery.img » message= » » highlight= » » provider= »manual »/]

That’s for heimdall !

After rebooting to the custom recovery with volume up + home + power I can’t user it, because touchscreen is not functionnal !

To save your time this is the TWRP functional for me (01/05/2017)

In this very moment I try to install the resurrection remix, I have tried 3 version so far, and no touchscreen … I let you know if I find a working release, if not, I think I will try lineageos

Resources :

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