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How to : elastic search + fosElastica + symfony2 + typehead + bloodhound + elastic suggesters

(POST in BETA version, but I prefer release it, and enhance it later, than never publish ^^)

I want to use Elastic, to manage my search functionality.

It’s a symfony2 project, so I start my research by the integration of Elastic in symfony2, and FosElastica came up.
Thanks to FOS #friendOfSymfony2 people again, and again, your work is amazing !
Also nothing happends here without Elastica

This bundle provides integration with ElasticSearch and Elastica with Symfony2. Features include:

Integrates the Elastica library into a Symfony2 environment
Automatically generate mappings using a serializer
Listeners for Doctrine events for automatic indexing

I assume here, you have already a running symfony2 project, with data on it, I use this setup, to search over user, by name, mail, and over another data named « tags », a kind of internal references to group items.

Steps :

  1. install Elastic
  2. configure Elastic
  3. install FosElastica
  4. configure FosElastica
  5. try with Elastic web interface to confirm 4 firsts sets
  6. add typeahead.js to your page
  7. configure and implement bloodhound and typeahead
  8. Enjoy !


1 – Install of elasticsearch :

[pastacode lang= »bash » message= » » highlight= » » provider= »manual »]

apt-get install elasticsearch


(If you are under ubuntu use sudo if you not root, tested on ubuntu 15.10 and Debian 8.)

To have elastic working, I’ve to :

[pastacode lang= »bash » message= » » highlight= » » provider= »manual »]

chmod -R elasticsearch:elasticsearch /var/lib/elasticsearch


Both debian and ubuntu.

After that, you need to go to :

[pastacode lang= »bash » message= » » highlight= » » provider= »manual »]

cd /etc/elasticsearch/


and open « elasticsearch.yml » to configure it.

2 – Configuration

(TODO : CORS config + security)

3 – Install FosElastica

with composer :

[pastacode lang= »bash » message= » » highlight= » » provider= »manual »]

php composer.phar require friendsofsymfony/elastica-bundle "~3.0"


And enable it :

[pastacode lang= »php » message= » » highlight= » » provider= »manual »]


4 - FosElastica configuration :

Faster Autocomplete with typeahead.js, Elasticsearch & nginx

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