Artisan Développeur

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auto completion XFT (xml) with eclipse

Hello !

I have to do some XFT transaction for e-tourisme dev. I planed to use NuSoap in Symfony2, see my previous post.

I work with eclipse, and I want to have auto completion for my XFT transaction to enhance my dev (life) quality ^^

First thing to do is adding the xsd catalog to « eclipse xml catalog ».

Go « Windows -> preferences -> XML -> Catalog »

Add a new catalog, I choose to save the XSD file into my workspace.



To test it, I create a « New Xml file » with the assistant


choose « Create XML file from an XML schema file »


Choose my new catalog in the list (


Choose without prefix (I’m not a xml guru, I don’t think I need prefix for my project, but it’s probably not the best answer for everyone).

If I don’t uncheck all checkboxes, eclipse is working, and do nothing, I suppose it’s the last option. But remember, I use this assistant just once, to see how the first line with the namespace is created.


That’s it ! I’ve the first line, with the namespace. The generated tag is Access, I change it by « Transaction », I add <Control> and, when I open a new « < »  I see the auto completion.


Feel free to ask, to comment, to critic, to enhance, to share 🙂





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